7 Ways To Use Music To Transform Pain, Isolation and Grief

Posted on October 21, 2013

JungleofLifeSolveig’s post on using music to transform grief was featured on the blog, Jungle of Life:

I have lis­tened to, com­posed and per­formed music my entire adult life. In past 18 months, how­ever, music has become even more impor­tant to me. I lost two peo­ple to whom I was close, peo­ple who meant a lot to me. Music has helped me chan­nel my feel­ings of loss into some­thing pos­i­tive and productive.

In the field of Music Ther­apy, cre­den­tialed pro­fes­sional ther­a­pists use music to help patients alle­vi­ate pain, man­age stress, pro­mote heal­ing or moti­vate par­tic­i­pa­tion in phys­i­cal ther­apy. In addi­tion to these clin­i­cal appli­ca­tions, though, music is being used every day to help peo­ple like you and me to cope with loss and grief due to ill­ness and death.

Here are seven ways I have directly expe­ri­enced the pos­i­tive power of music: [more…]