Recording Vocalists Guest Post on Recording Hacks

Posted on December 8, 2013

RecordingHacksLogoRecordingHacks, run by Matt McGlynn, is an online magazine about recording gear and techniques and arguably the world’s best microphone database and search engine. Stevie was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to guest blog recently for RecordingHacks. Here’s a preview:

“Any recorded track lives or dies on the vocal: how it was recorded, how the emotion was portrayed by the singer and how the vocal sits in the track. Let’s explore how a producer, engineer and/or band can best serve the singer for maximum effect!


Vocals are usually the last, and most important step in recording a song, as the lead vocal is usually prominent in the mix. Before you record a vocalist, make sure you are familiar with the material to be recorded. Have the musician play the song live, send you a demo or rough recording, or even just a backing track. It is also very important that they send you the lyrics to the song, so you know what the song is about and where drama will be created within the song. Every song has an emotional and dynamic arc: introduction, establishment of the theme, climax, sometimes bridge, return to theme, and ending. The vocals are the primary way to convey this arc… [Read more here]